show hidden files

Wednesday, October 15, 2008 ·

nowadays there is one common problem that many are not able to view hidden files and folder even after enabling show hidden files and folders in folder options .. please follow dis steps to enable it again..Open the registry editor (Click on Start then run and type regedit press enter )..Now you will see a new window on the left pane Navigate to the following path
Under this key, you’ll see 2 more keys “NOHIDDEN” and “SHOWALL“. Make sure that the values of “CheckedValue” and “DefaultValue” in right-side pane are “2” and “2” for “NOHIDDEN” and “1” and “2” for “SHOWALL” respectively. If it has some other value change it..Now check whether you are able to hide or unhide..
If this doesnt work try this..Navigate to
now at right-side pane, change value of "Hidden" to:
1 - To show hidden files2 - To not show hidden files