Pen Drive as RAM.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008 ·

Yes with some modofied settings you can use your pen drive as a memory(RAM) now.
It will help you a lot when your pc is having a big load or When you are missing and wishing some memory when you want to play some big games In which you are curious. Now the thing is dat you can not purchase new memory instantly for such instances. So i hav a trick which will benifit to you all and the trick which wil relaxx your computer.the trick is that you can use your pen drive as memory.

You just need to follow this steps:-
1) Connect your pen drive to your pc
[pen drive should be atleast 1 gb or if you having 4 gb then its better]
2) Allow pc what he is supposed to do,let system to detect pen drive.
3) After your pc finished with his detection work,you hav to do some lottle work
4) Right click on the My Computer and select the properties
5) Goto advanced and then performance setting then advanced then change.
6) Select pen drive and click on custom size
" Check the value of space available "
7) Enter the same in the Initial and the Max columns
" You just used the memory of the PenDrive as a Virtual Memory "
8) Now restart your pc and enjoy your fast and super system